Comment & Posting Policy

We welcome your participation and comments on this blogs and social media and in our webinars and online forums. Our online sites are governed by the general rules of respectful civil discourse. You are fully responsible for everything that you post.

Techno Herder does not discriminate against any views. Nevertheless, it may monitor any user-generated content as it chooses and reserves the right to remove content for any reason whatever, without consent. We do not verify the identity of participants. Here are some of the rules we follow:

  • Please stay on topic. We will remove content that is clearly off-topic.
  • We will remove content that contains abusive, vulgar, offensive, racist, threatening or harassing content, personal attacks of any kind, or offensive terms that target specific individuals or groups.
  • We will remove spam and content that promotes services or products, or that involves political campaigning or lobbying.
  • We may remove content that contains personal information (whether your own or someone else's), including home address, home or cell phone number, or personal e-mail address, in order to protect privacy.
  • Gratuitous links to sites and repeat submissions of the same (or very similar) contributions are viewed as spam and may result in the content being removed.
  • Do not post anything that you do not have the right to post or include links to copyright infringing material. We will not post comments that appear to post material without permission, and we will follow a notice and takedown procedure for complaints of copyright violation under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
  • We will only post content from participants over 13 years of age.
  • Communications made through social media posts, e-mail, webinars, and messaging systems will in no way constitute a legal or official notice or comment to Techno Herder or any official or employee of Techno Herder for any purpose.
  • All user-generated content is released into the public domain unless the participant clearly states otherwise, so do not submit anything you do not wish to broadcast to the general public.
  • Users who do not comply with these standards of conduct may be blocked.

Thank you for joining the conversation!

Updated Feb 14, 2022